Is Artificial Intelligence Enhancing Business Value In Any Way?

Artificial intelligence in business
Artificial intelligence in business

Artificial intelligence is enhancing business value as it is fueling the fourth industrial revolution. It will transform the way businesses operate by making it essential for organizations to stay ahead of the curve in order to remain competitive.

This change will affect the business life cycle, which includes the stages of startup, growth, maturity, and decline. Changes in the business life cycle will affect the success or failure of businesses. As such, it is essential to understand how the business life cycle influences the decisions taken regarding the integration of AI technology. This is in order to maximize its potential and benefit from its use.

What is business?

A business is an organization that provides goods or services for money. It is also known as an enterprise, company, or firm. This is an organization and a legal entity made up of an association of people, be they natural, legal, or a mixture of both. These people share a common purpose and unite in order to focus on their various talents and organize their collectively available skills or resources. They are involved in the provision of goods and services to consumers.

What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or robot to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, natural language understanding, and decision-making. AI is becoming increasingly used in everyday technology, from smart speakers to self-driving cars. AI has the potential to increase efficiency and accuracy in a wide range of applications, from healthcare to retail.

How is AI enhancing business value?

Artificial intelligence influences business life cycles in the following ways.

Artificial intelligence influences business in the above ways

What role does artificial intelligence play in business today?

As businesses adjust to the changing business environment, artificial intelligence plays an increasingly key role in assisting them to navigate the various stages of the business life cycle. It provides cost-effective and efficient solutions to routine tasks, freeing up valuable resources to focus on more complex and high-value strategies. As a result, AI can help businesses increase operational efficiency, reduce costs, and improve customer service.

How does artificial intelligence enhance business value?

Artificial intelligence can play a role in each business function, from marketing and customer service to supply chain and financial analysis. AI can help automate and streamline processes, freeing up resources to focus on more strategic tasks. It provides insights into customer behaviors and trends that can help inform decision-making.


The business life cycle is the stages of growth and development a business moves through over time. Artificial intelligence can automate many sales functions, such as lead generation, customer segmentation, and marketing automation. This can help businesses identify trends and opportunities before they arise, providing them with an edge over their competition. By leveraging the power of artificial intelligence, businesses can take advantage of data-driven insights to better understand their customers, target the right prospects, and optimize their sales processes for maximum efficiency.


Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly used in marketing functions, such as customer segmentation, personalized content delivery, and automation of marketing campaigns. AI systems can analyze large amounts of customer data in order to help businesses better understand their customers and tailor their marketing strategies accordingly. This can help businesses to better expect customer needs and maximize their profits during different stages of the business life cycle. In addition, AI can optimise the budgeting process and ensure that the right resources are allocated to the right activities to maximize the return on investment.


Artificial intelligence (AI) plays a crucial role in streamlining the manufacturing process by allowing machines to take on complex tasks. It analyses data quickly and accurately, allowing it to make decisions that would be difficult or impossible for humans to make. This can lead to increased efficiency and improved safety in the manufacturing process. Furthermore, AI can also help with predictive maintenance, ensuring that machines are always running optimally and reducing the risk of production shutdowns because of unexpected equipment failures.

Supply chain management

Artificial intelligence can automate various aspects of the supply chain, such as inventory management and route optimisation. It analyses data, such as customer orders, to help determine the most efficient ways to meet customer demands. Additionally, AI helps improve forecasting accuracy and reduce costs associated with overstocking and under-stocking inventory. By leveraging AI, businesses can streamline the supply chain process, resulting in more accurate supply chain management decisions and significant cost savings.

Human resources

Artificial intelligence can help automate certain HR functions, such as recruitment, onboarding, performance management, and employee development. AI analyses data and identifies patterns that help organizations better understand their workforce and make better decisions about hiring and retention. It provides valuable insights into employee engagement and productivity, enabling HR teams to make more informed decisions about their employees.

IT, maintenance and engineering functions

AI can also help with predictive maintenance, enabling businesses to identify and address potential performance issues before they become problems. AI can also optimise and improve engineering designs, as well as to automate and streamline IT functions.

Research and development

Artificial intelligence plays an increasingly significant role in research and development, as it automates repetitive tasks that would otherwise take up valuable time and resources. It helps develop new products and services faster by providing insights that cannot be got through traditional methods. AI identifies potential issues and risks before they become a problem and offers solutions to ensure businesses remain competitive. Monitor the performance of their products and services and provide feedback on their performance, helping them to optimise their operations and stay ahead of the competition.

Finance and Accounts

Artificial intelligence can provide a lot of valuable insights into the business by automating the finance and accounts functions. AI tracks their finances more accurately, identifies potential improvement areas, optimizes the budgeting process, and more. Identify and prevent financial fraud more quickly.

Artificial intelligence can automate the accounting process, helping to reduce the time and cost associated with manual accounting. Additionally, AI identifies potential issues in the accounting process and alerts the business owner so they can take the necessary steps to rectify them. AI can also provide real-time insights into the financial health of a business, enabling the business owner to make informed decisions about their financial future.

Read other articles on business here.

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